Know how to skip all that manual work?

Next-gen Autonomous freight scheduling and Allocation

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Autonomous Freight Scheduling

Configure And Define Business Rules

Configure and Define Business Rules

Know exactly when, where, and how much will be shipped. Create customized business rules to suit your company's needs

Automate Future Freight Schedules

Save time by setting up future schedules with just a few clicks! Leave all the tedious work to us so you can focus on more important things

Automate Future Freight Schedules
Autonomous Driver Reassignment + More!

Autonomous Driver Reassignment + More!

What if we told you that we can also manage your drivers for you? No more worrying about driver shortages or the perfect team for your routes!

Let Our AI Handle the Heavy Lifting For You

Sign up for Autonomous Freight Scheduling


Key value proposition

Reduce manual effort and save time

Enable auto-pilot dispatch mode and divert your attention to more business processes

Increase transparency and productivity

Optimized and unbiased allocation to drivers based on lane preferences

The solution that learns as it goes

Dynamic allocation backed by proven self-learning algorithms that learn as they go - making them 100% customized to your needs